No matter how confident or outgoing a person is, change has always been a scary thing for all people on Earth. Taking a plunge into the unknown, and relinquishing your control of what happens is scary for anyone.

Just remember, that life is full of changes,
and changes are good. The most important thing to know are that changes make you change your perspective, and open your mind. For anyone that wants to constantly make themselves a better and improving person, changes are the only way you can become wiser, experienced, and smarter.

Now, since moving from beloved and comfortable California, I have taken my own dive off the pacific and into the green and quiet state of Vermont. "Where is that?" seemed to be the common question I received in California; Vermont is a state squeezed right between New York, New Hampshire, and borders Canada.

No matter what happens to me in Vermont, whether I like it or not, this will be my new home for the next year and I'm alright with it. At least it's a change, and I'm happy for that.