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A Weekend in the Bay

Bright sun peeking through grey clouds and layers of fog: San Francisco

The warmth of the sun and the chill of the breeze from the bay mingled on my skin as I grab my camera to capture the beauty of the city. One tip I have for anyone traveling to San Francisco, or any city for that matter, is to remember to look up. There are so many magnificent sights one could miss if he or she only focused on the sidewalk in front. The top of the Transcontinental building, Coit Tower, crimson paper lanterns in China Town, all could be easily overlooked without taking the time to look upwards and absorb the city in a 360 degree angle. Still, slightly jet lagged, my dazed eyes attempted to focus on the landscape in front of me. My gaze intensified as I absorbed the liveliness of the city. From the iconic Golden Gate Bridge to South Bay, it appeared as if I had a small sliver of the world. Pacing towards the Ferry Building, the wind caught my hair in a flurry and further pulled me out of my haze. I approached the water as the sun began its descent behind the Golden Gate Bridge. The ripples in the water distorted the orange and pink hues, melding them into a beautiful impression that could have been made by Claude Monet. As the sun abated, the moon took its place and gave the city its natural, radiant glow. Even though this was not my home town I felt a familiarity within the atmosphere, a central bond that every place in the state shares. The sensation was impalpable yet finite. The paradox dizzied my mind, yet the fuzzy consciousness put me at ease. I turned, looking up from sea level up to the hills. The bustling crosswalks and lights impressed me with feelings of community amidst the diverse and massive city. My wind-burnt cheeks turned upward into a grin as I paced my way back up the steep slope to retire for the night. I thought not of my impending departure the following morning, but rather I reminisced the glorious day I had just experienced. I certainly left a piece of my heart in the bay just as the city's dazzling impression has eternally changed my perceptions.

Even though pictures cannot truly capture the beauty of this city, here are some anyways:


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